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1.What are cashews?

Cashews are kidney-shaped nuts that grow on cashew trees, native to Brazil but now cultivated   in various tropical regions worldwide. The nut is encased in a hard shell attached to a cashew   apple, which is not typically consumed.

2.What are the nutritional benefits of cashews?

Cashews are nutrient-dense nuts, rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins (such as vitamin   E, K, and B vitamins), and minerals (such as magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc). They   provide numerous health benefits, including heart health, improved digestion, and support for   bone health.

3. How are cashews harvested and processed?

Cashews are harvested by hand, as the nuts are carefully removed from the cashew apple and   the hard shell. The raw cashews are then roasted or processed to remove the toxic resin found   in the shell. After processing, cashews can be consumed raw or roasted and are commonly used   in various culinary dishes.

4.Can cashews be eaten by individuals with nut allergies?

Cashews are considered tree nuts and can trigger allergic reactions in individuals with nut   allergies. It’s essential for people with nut allergies to avoid cashews and products containing   cashew ingredients and to consult with a healthcare professional if uncertain.

5.How can cashews be incorporated into a diet?

Cashews can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including as a snack, added to salads, stir-fries,   curries, and baked goods, or used to make cashew butter and dairy-free cheese alternatives.   They add flavor, texture, and nutritional value to a wide range of dishes.


280 Grams, 500 Grams


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